paraphrasing machine – Paraphrase Online Creative Writing Blog Mon, 04 Apr 2022 06:10:42 +0000 en hourly 1 Internet advertising campaign – what price? Mon, 02 Nov 2020 06:37:36 +0000 Continue readingInternet advertising campaign – what price?]]> Promoting yourself on the Internet today is the basis of a marketing strategy in the vast majority of industries. Why? The answer is simple: because most consumers search for products and services that interest them online. Therefore, no matter how wide-ranging your business is, be sure to promote yourself on the Web! How much does an advertising campaign on the Internet cost?

We answer right away that the costs of an advertising campaign on the Internet depend on many factors. Therefore, it is impossible to define them precisely without analyzing a specific situation. However, it is worth knowing what influences the scale of expenses and how to plan your budget well for this purpose.

What is the price of an online advertising campaign?

An advertising campaign on the Internet can cost as much as you want.

After all, it’s up to you what budget you plan for it – a few hundred dollars, or maybe a dozen or tens of thousands? You decide. The problem is that determining how much you spend on a campaign shouldn’t be a coincidence, and neither should you plan what exactly the money will go to.

Nevertheless, the great advantage of the Internet – especially campaigns carried out in social media or via Google Ads – is the ability to precisely indicate spending limits: both on a daily or monthly basis, and for the entire campaign.

What are you paying for?

When it comes to displaying typical online advertisements, e.g. banners or sponsored links, the costs most often depend on:
the number of impressions of the message – in this system you pay for each view, regardless of whether the recipient has decided to interact with the ad,
the number of clicks on the ad – then the costs are generated only after the recipient clicks on the link to your website.

This is obviously a very general explanation, because it all depends on the type of campaign being run and the specific tools that will be used in it.

What affects the cost of the campaign?

The method of calculating payments by systems such as Google Ads or Facebook ads is not the only factor that translates into the final amount of costs that the advertising campaign will consume on the Internet. So what else is important for the budget?

A. Whether you run the campaign on your own or with the help of an agency
At first glance, the independent configuration of Google Ads campaigns or Facebook ads seems to be a very simple task. After all, service interfaces are easy to use, so just click through the options and you’re done, right? Theoretically yes. In practice, however, especially if you do not have any experience in the world of online marketing, you can expose yourself to very high costs that will not translate into the expected conversion and ROI, and thus return on investment. You can also expect that you will probably wait a long time for the ad’s effects, if they appear at all. So the question is: can you afford such a risky expense?

Yes, internet marketing agencies charge for their work, which can increase your initial investment. However, the actions taken by experts most often hit the spot and allow to achieve satisfactory results at a lower cost. In practice, therefore, an advertising campaign on the Internet carried out by professionals will most often cost much less and bring measurable, clear profits.

B. Experience of an interactive agency
The longer the internet marketing agency’s experience, the higher the chance that its planned campaign will be measurable. However, in the wake of many years of practice and extensive specialist knowledge, the stakes are higher. Therefore, you can expect that using experts’ services will be more expensive than working with beginners in this industry. Contrary to appearances, however, the rates of the former do not have to be “out of space”, and a slightly higher investment may bring greater profits.

C. The scope of cooperation with experts
In order for an advertising campaign on the Internet to translate clearly into the achievement of the set marketing and sales goals, it cannot be carried out without prior preparation. Therefore, the agency will certainly offer you a package of preliminary analytical services – the more precisely its specialists verify your current market position, technical possibilities, business environment, competition and promotional potential of various strategies, the higher the costs will be. Such an investment, however, usually means that the implementation of the campaign itself brings a higher ROI and gains the response you expect. Therefore, this is another issue to consider and discuss with a specialist.

D. The size of your company and the scope of its activities
If you operate on a local scale – e.g. in cities – you need a campaign with a much narrower scope than a corporation operating on the international market. Therefore, you will have to spend less on promotion. It is worth knowing that ad spend is also influenced by competition in your industry, the type of recipient to whom the messages are directed, and the duration of the campaign.

E. Selected communication channels
Advertising on the Internet is a very broad concept. You can put a lot of promotional tools into this bag – starting with sponsored links and banners on external websites, ending with promotion in social media, and even content marketing or SEO activities, which also translate into branding and conversion. The price of the campaign will depend on which of them you choose and how many you include in your campaign.


Of course, these are not all the pieces of the puzzle that must be taken into account when calculating the budget for online advertising. So as you can see, estimating how much an advertising campaign will cost on the Internet without looking at the specific situation, needs and goals of the company is like reading tea leaves. If you want to get specific information on how much your company should spend to see the results of investment in promotion – contact us. Our specialists will make a valuation and present you with various variants – from very economical to slightly more expensive – so that you can consciously choose what you need.

Causes related marketing Mon, 31 Aug 2020 05:50:27 +0000 Continue readingCauses related marketing]]> Climate change, environmental pollution, attitude towards animals, deepening poverty through unconscious consumer choices, irresponsible behavior or access to drinking water. These are just a few issues that are increasingly engaging and polarizing society – around the world. Should companies pay attention to this and communicate their view on the issue? Can causes related marketing be credible and above all – can it be on a win = win basis? Due to my interests and education, I decided to take a closer look and the conclusions can be found in this article.

What is causes related marketing?

Cause related marketing (CRM) is a situation when business data meets both the economic goals of an enterprise and responds to certain social problems, trying to communicate and solve them. This is the simplest manifestation of a wider phenomenon called “corporate social responsibility”. Cause related marketing is usually associated strictly with the sales process or, as the name implies, marketing. On the other hand, corporate social responsibility can be present in every aspect of a company’s activity and does not have to be widely communicated. The difference is best illustrated with examples.

Cause related marketing:
– for every $ 20 spent in our store, we donate $ 1 to Foundation X.

Corporate Social Responsibility:
– our company employs 400 drivers. We make sure that they undergo health tests every year and organize cyclical training courses to improve driving techniques.
– our company creates jam. We acquire fruit and vegetables only from local suppliers and support the domestic economy.
– we are a clothes distributor. We acquire our products only to ethical enterprises that respect employee and human rights.

The difference is therefore in the direct connection to the sales process. On the other hand, both things – undertaken by the company responsibly and sensibly – simply pay off. In marketing it’s quite simple – it’s nice to buy something and help. In the second case, e.g. thanks to driver training, the company can “save” on traffic accidents, as well as avert potential image crises associated with such accidents or operational liquidity.

The difference is also in the time horizon of the projects concerned. Cause related marketing can usually be started overnight and turned off just as quickly. Corporate social responsibility is already a long-term process that requires capital and human investment and good planning. Therefore, many companies end up with socially engaged marketing – it is simpler, and at the same time effective because its impact on sales results can be seen immediately.

Advantages of cause related marketing

The benefits of cause related marketing can be divided into three parts. The company benefits, but also the recipient of the product or service, as well as the entity we help – it can be said that all sides of this system benefit.

Benefits for the company:
– a positive image due to association with a third sector organization,
– stimulation of involvement among the company’s community and employees,
– increased consumer loyalty,
– lower level of complaints and returns,
– increase in sales.

Benefits for the consumer:
– help thanks to the purchase slightly “absolves” consumerism itself,
– greater satisfaction with purchases,
– relatively higher satisfaction with the products and services provided.

Cause related marketing – example

Toms – is an American footwear brand, which already at the business design stage assumed that each pair of shoes purchased by the customer results in the transfer of a second pair to countries and communities where it is particularly needed (regions of Africa and Asia, but also South America). A cool idea, which also shows how something apparently obvious to us, is still a scarce commodity in other regions of the world. They are usually not cheap shoes, which did not prevent the brand from achieving success in the highly competitive American market, which was simply mature in the context of the footwear industry. People love TOMS and more often attribute positive qualities to them, such as comfort or durability.

Why is it worth?

It is worth noting that cause related marketing is mainly used by large brands or … startups. As you can easily guess, the motivations for making such a decision vary depending on the size of a given business entity.

Thus, large companies and brands strengthen their brands and customer loyalty. In addition, consumer expectations related to the positive impact of large companies on local communities and the environment in general are growing. We expect more and more often that the company will compensate for its environmental impact, and even that it will provide us with information on this matter. This is a very good trend, because it turns out that it pays off in the long run both to our environment and to the company that made such an effort. Unfortunately, it is difficult to talk about some mass reorientation of thinking here. Large corporations are powerful and uncontrolled ships. They arouse admiration, but before they change course, a lot of time must pass.

The situation is different when the startup immediately decides to get social problems involved in acquiring clients. This is usually because of personal motives and motivations to somehow differentiate their actions from those powerful corporations that feed on consumerism like leeches. Startup is more and more often not only a product or service, but also a rebellion against the current state of affairs.

Credibility cause related marketing

On the internet, of course, whenever someone is in favor, someone who is opposed will also be found. Therefore, even related related marketing has its enthusiasts as well as oppositionists.

From the latter group, there are most often accusations of lack of “pure intentions” for help or cynical use of someone’s misfortune to fuel sales. Of course you can approach it this way. However, it is worth paying attention to the obvious fact that in such a world everyone would lose. Were it not for the company and a given form of assistance, as a consumer we would never have heard about a given problem and the given action would not have seen additional funds. So if you still want to make a purchase – why not do it with someone who offers sales and additionally helps someone?

Marketing – what does it do? Thu, 28 May 2020 05:22:39 +0000 Continue readingMarketing – what does it do?]]> Every company that wants to achieve business goals should implement actions in relation to potential clients – in line with their current and future needs. Therefore, reaching the consumer and transforming him into a buyer becomes the main challenge in the company’s operations. Marketing comes with help, which should be based on the right strategy. But what does marketing do?

It is difficult to define the essence of marketing because there are many ways to define it. It is often understood as a way of operating a company consisting in profitably satisfying the needs of customers. In a broader context, it should also be understood as a complex process that includes identifying and shaping the needs of recipients, creating appropriate products and acting to meet the needs of consumers.

The main division of marketing

When talking about types of marketing, marketing should be mentioned depending on the application. So it stands out:
– producer marketing,
– B2B marketing,
– B2C marketing,
– marketing of services,
– commercial marketing,
– international marketing.

What does marketing do?

Marketing is a very broad concept, which translates into its different faces. It covers many areas, including depending on the resources and media used or the way it targets customers.

Product marketing
This term is used to describe a set of activities that are aimed at product development, including in terms of its recognition and increase in sales. The steps taken include, for example, rebranding, promotion marketing, trade marketing.

Analytical Marketing
Its purpose is to use customer information, which is expected to increase sales. Among the activities carried out in this area, one can mention, among others geomarketing, neuromarketing, behavioral marketing, benchmarking, loyalty programs.

Event marketing
Its essence is to promote a company or product through organization / participation in events. Activities include sponsorship, own stand at the fair, organization of concerts / picnics for clients, lecture at an industry conference. If you are looking to up your game you can also try out attendee engagement solutions by hub live for your events. 

Inbound marketing
This term is understood as activities aimed at increasing the chance for a customer to find an offer and encouraging him to contact. In this case, e.g. content marketing is used, which may be manifested by content potentially of interest to the consumer – guides, entries, lookbooks and the like.

Outbound marketing
These are activities addressed to people who do not always expect contact from the company. Techniques and tools are used, such as direct marketing, field marketing, and e-mail marketing campaigns.

Mobile marketing
The notion of mobile marketing is not only “advertising on wheels”, but also activities using portable devices (smartphones, laptops). Tools such as communication via SMS / MMS, QR codes, dedicated display ads are used.

Internet marketing
This is one of the most common marketing varieties today. Includes activities that are carried out via the Internet. These include not only Google Ads positioning or advertising, but also other elements. These include, for example, email marketing, social media marketing, buzz marketing, and affiliate marketing.

It is worth noting that most companies are not limited to only one area. In practice, various types of marketing activities are used – to achieve the set business goals in the most effective way possible.

Factors affecting the effectiveness of marketing activities

It depends on the effectiveness of marketing activities whether and how quickly the company will be able to achieve its business goals. An important role in this aspect is played, among others, by factors such as:
– the strategy developed and its implementation,
– tools and techniques used,
– creation,
– matching activities to the target group.

The choice of channels through which the message will reach potential customers is also of great importance.

It is worth noting that effective marketing activities cannot be carried out based on intuition. Although it may be useful in many cases, numbers play the most important role – marketing is a measurable area. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the range of activities, reactions of potential customers, impact time, etc. Based on the data, an analysis should be carried out – in order to eliminate “weak links” of implemented activities.

Although marketing is associated mainly with sales, you cannot limit yourself to it. The implemented actions should include, among others areas such as communication, analysis of activities, preparation and implementation of developed strategies. I hope you already understand what marketing does. The widest possible definition would simply be that it is any external manifestation of a company’s sales goal.
